Electro meridian imaging (EMI) is a diagnostic tool, which is used to measure the electro potential of specific acupoints by placing a small, painless electronic pen on the skin.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to successfully treat both pain and dysfunction in the body throughout Asia. We use acupuncture when we see health problems that seem to be caused by disruptions of the energy pathways in your body, which are called meridians. This centuries-old healing procedure focuses on the integrity of bodily systems, not specific conditions.
Perhaps the best way to think about acupuncture is to imagine rivers of energy throughout your body, organized by meridians. These meridians can experience a “log jam” when energy flow is restricted. As an ideal adjunct to chiropractic care, we use acupuncture to help loosen this “log jam” and allow energy to circulate properly to the pathways in your body.
Dr. Carradine is board certified in acupuncture through the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the Ohio State Chiropractic Board. She has also earned both Fellow and Diplomate status through the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture.
Dr. Carradine has been trained in using both needle and non-needle acupuncture techniques to accomodate different patient needs. Our acupuncture needles are so small that you can easily insert 5 of them into the hollow tube of one hypodermic needle!
The ancient method used in an acupuncture examination is known as “pulse diagnosis.” Pulse diagnosis involves feeling the pulse in 6 different locations and evaluating 28 characteristics of the pulse to determine the balance of the 12 meridians. Our office, however, utilizes modern technology to administer an acupuncture examination by means of “ryodoraku” or “electro meridian imaging” (EMI). EMI is extremely reliable and is becoming the standard method of diagnosis internationally. EMI also yields crucial information that is actually unobtainable through traditional pulse diagnosis. To conduct an EMI examination, Dr. Carradine places a small painless electronic pen on the skin over specific acupoints. By way of a sensitive metering device, the electro potential of the specific point for the 12 primary meridians is measured. The human body’s energy flow courses over these 12 meridians or channels, which are normally well-balanced. However, if a disruption of energy flow exists, it can alter the entire system, producing pain or other symptoms in the body. Among other things, this examination will tell Dr. Carradine which meridians have deficient energy levels, excessive energy and/or are unbalanced when comparing right and left sides of each meridian.
While the primary notoriety of acupuncture is the utilization of needles placed in the skin at various locations to relieve pain or affect a body part, it is not necessary to use needles to get results. Non-needle techniques can be just as effective if not more than needles. There are many ways to stimulate an acupoint other than a needle, just as there are many different strokes used in swimming. Acupuncture points may be stimulated without needles utilizing laser, electronic stimulation, percussive stimulation with the ArthroStim instrument or the “teishein” which is a Chinese instrument that has been used for centuries to effectively stimulate acupoints. A combination of these various methods may also be used with one another or in conjunction with needles.
Laser and electronic stimulation may be used separately or in combination with one another, as pictured above to treat acupoints.
The teishin instrument does not pierce the skin, and it has effectively been used for centuries to stimulate acupuncture points. (Pictured to the left.)
An acupuncture tip is attached to the ArthroStim instrument, which utilizes a percussive technique without needles that patients find comfortable and relaxing.
We use ultra-fine, sterile needles that are disposable. Most people have encountered hypodermic needles and sewing needles. Both types are gigantic compared to the ones we use. In fact, five of our needles could easily fit inside a single hypodermic needle!
It depends on the particular technique used. Needles typically feel like a small prick or mosquito bite, however, some of our patients do not feel anything at all during the treatment. Non-needle techniques vary in sensation depending on the modality used, but can feel like a pressure, pulsing, tapping, percussion or nothing at all as with laser. Most patients experience a variety of post-session feelings, which range from energized to a deep sense of relaxation and well-being. Electronic stimulation may be used by itself for a needleless treatment or in conjunction with needles (as pictured to the right) to enhance the effect of treatment.
Acupuncture textbooks document over one hundred conditions that have been successfully treated with acupuncture. The World Health Organization has indicated that acupuncture can be used to effectively treat acute and chronic pain, migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches, sinus headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, bladder dysfunction, bed wetting, post-operative pain relief, gastric problems, asthma, allergies, skin conditions, hemorrhoids, abnormal blood pressure, fatigue, anxiety, neurological syndromes, and eye problems, etc. Acupuncture, however, has been known to be beneficial in the treatment of a multitude of other conditions.
Does Acupuncture sound interesting to you? Find out if this treatment will help you by calling 330-758-4446 today.
I just left Carradine Chiropractic and I was blown away. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical and scared. I am 38 years old I have had 3 hip surgeries and have RA. my back has been bothering me for 2 weeks and I have had unbearable pain the last 2 days. I woke up at 5am crying and being so uncomfortable that I wanted to scream (I actually might of a couple times). my daughter drove me to my appointment and was amazed when she seen my legs line up while on the table. There was no twisting, pulling, or cracking. after I stood up I wiggled my hips! did you hear me!? amazing. Now yes I still have some muscle soreness but I was able to walk, shut my own car door (I couldn't do that on my way there), and ride in the car pain free! thank you
Donielle F
I recommend her any time someone needs a chiropractor. She's thorough, to the point, & her technique I've never seen before. I have scoliosis & didn't realize how much of my health it affected & how much pain I've actually "accepted" over the years until my treatment with her was finished. Best chiropractor.
Autumn M
The staff at Carradine chiropractic truly listens to the patient and creates a customized plan of treatment that is gentle but very effective. I would recommend their treatment plans and services to anyone as I have had great results dealing with my severe back and neck pain. The entire staff makes your experience very relaxing and effective and you’re not just another number you are treated like the most important patient and they will do whatever is needed to provide you with the correct and effective services
Joshua K
Dr. Carradine and her staff are WONDERFUL! She is always available for same day appointments, and is flexible around all work schedules. She offers many different types of therapies to help with pain, and they really focused on what works best for each patient& their recovery process. The office is very clean and peaceful. Bedside manner is VERY important to me & my family, and Dr. Carradine and her staff were kind, compassionate, and efficient! It was a great experience.
Kayla S
Dr. Carradine took the time and the effort to explain all of my treatment options before I began. Once I started treatment I found Dr. Carradine to be an extremely knowledgeable, caring and thorough doctor committed to improving my condition. She communicates well and actually listens to what I have to say! The gentle techniques used by Dr. Carradine were different from those that I experienced in the past. Because of this, she explained the reasoning behind everything she did. The results have been amazing! Dr. Carradine"s staff is also excellent. They make you feel very comfortable during treatment, and truly care about your health. They are professionals in every sense of the word. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Carradine to anyone wishing to improve their health.
John P
The staff is excellent and professional. Dr. Carradine's care was clear, straightforward and outstanding, I feel 100%. I was used to a "snap, crack and pop" type of chiropractor. Dr. Carradine's approach is gentle, but gets the job done and is so effective. I highly recommend them.
Pamela C
I have scoliosis and have suffered back pain all of my life. After going to Dr. Carradine, my pain level has been greatly reduced l and have even experienced pain free days! She is very knowledgeable. The office is beautiful with a calming atmosphere. There is never a long wait time and often you can schedule same day appointments. There is no pain during the adjustment and you are in and out in no time! I would and have recommended her to many friends and family.
Laura T
Overall great experience! I had the best adjustment I’ve ever received and I’ve tried multiple chiropractors over the course of ten years for hip problems due to athletics. The facility is so nice and clean and they had such a kind staff who made my experience that much better. I’ll never go anywhere else!
Karlye B
I recently injured my left knee and needed an early morning appointment. They offered me a 7:30 am appt. which is when they open. However, that wasn't early enough for me because I had to be somewhere else at 8 am that's 45 minutes away. I needed a 7 am appointment, so they opened early just for me! Very accommodating...I've never had a drs office do that for me before.
Joan B
The office staff is extremely nice & patient. There willing to work with you on scheduling & very understanding !! The office is always clean and they do a great job of getting you in & out. I feel much better after multiple appointments for my back. The chiropractor is really thorough and detailed. I would recommend.
Alexis S
I can not express in words how much better I feel in such a short time. I am a 48 years old athletic female with a torn Meniscus and ACL in my left knee, degenerative damage in my neck and a fracture in my lower back. I came to Dr. Denise Carradine ready to throw in the towel, accept the fact I'm getting older ; my body is breaking down finally (basically I wasn't expecting much). I could barely walk a mile , ride my bike, or bend to garden, After two weeks of Acupuncture and Chiropractic therapy, I feel like I am 20 again. The exercise that I had been doing and getting no results suddenly my body is responding. My appetite has suppressed ,my energy and motivation is back. I feel great. I feel like myself again. I RECOMMEND visiting Denise.
Adena B
The most efficient medical office I have ever been to. I was being treated two minutes after walking in. The Doctor and assistants were always very caring and friendly.
Dan S
Dr. Carradine is the best! The staff are very nice and helpful. After suffering with pain for over 9 years I finally have some relief since I've been going here. She is very good at acupuncture and chiropractic care. She's very knowledgeable and helps her patients with a gentle approach. She's thorough as well as listens to her patients and their needs.
Talisa C